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bulk818, DI resin refill bags Di-Ionization media [bulk818]

$570.00 $456.00

* Buy filters in bulk to get bigger discounts. Filters are Sold by Box (30/box).

* DI (de-mineralize) resin refills

* The bag contains up to 3 refills, or about 16 ounces of DI resin. It is able to process on average about 1600 gallons of RO water

* Nuclear grade with color indicator: for production of demineralized water of high purity, silica free.

* When the resin is used up, the green color resin will change to brown color. It will give you 0 ppm TDS, Conductivity attainable less than 0.1uS/cm or resistivity of close to 18 meg.ohm

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